Yo me uno al club en Ecuador – Aunt Monikin’s kindergarten project

The community that supports this sustainable eco-school project seeks to give them back the vision of unity and humanity proper to human beings. Inspire them to develop as beings for the new world we all need.
It stands out from other initiatives like this one because of the emphasis placed on respect for the environment and its self-sustaining approach.
Beneficios para la comunidad
Acercarlos a la idea de que el proceso de aprender, es la suma de ensayos, errores y aciertos.
Because through this new way of conceiving life and education, they can empower themselves as safe, happy, balanced, and well-being human beings with themselves and their environment. Tia Monikin describes her eco-school project in the video in more detail. We are currently seeking support to finance her project, looking for a physical place to build it.

Video by Anastasia Shuraeva de Pexels

Contact for more information.
Tía Mónica:

Give it a little love.

Acerca del autor: Paola Landaeta Verified icon 1
Innovar, gestionar, coordinar y educar son mis pasiones. Estoy disponible para apoyar proyectos innovadores y sostenibles.


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