house with white walls decorated with pictures showing coffee processing

Why is important the “Alternative Housing”?

Hello, welcome to your Viviendas Alternativas website. If you are here it is because somehow you are interested in knowing that “alternative” that we propose. In short, our goal is to put aside the traditional construction with concrete, and for this, we investigate and promote innovations through the investigation of constructions that are more environmentally friendly to live and dream and other inventions. We define an alternative home as one whose planning and construction intend to live in harmony with nature on our planet. There are a variety of non-industrialized techniques that, precisely for that reason, have been put aside, however, we believe that it is necessary to rescue and strengthen to avoid continuing to damage our planet. Energy efficiency, use of renewable materials, organic designs, are concepts that we constantly use. If you have a project that you want to publicize and it fits into this theme, send us your story by video, images, or text, with your reference data and we will help you with the publication and make it known on our social networks.

About the author: Paola Landaeta Verified icon 1
Innovation, managing, coordinating, and educating are my passions. I am available to support innovative and sustainable projects.


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@peepso_user_3(Mónica Molina)
Soy maestra de profesión, vocación y por pasión, apasionada de los niños, amo ayudarlos en su proceso de construcción como seres humanos,

Amo la naturaleza, los domos y las viviendas con techos vivos, el sembrar y la acuaponía

Quiero "Transformar la educación y los espacios educativos, pata que sean verdaderos espacios de construcción del ser humano.
@peepso_user_1(Paola Landaeta)
Testeando el nuevo estilo del sitio web, saludos @peepso_user_3(Mónica)!!
2 years ago