Can I build a Bamboo Dome as home?


@Andrés, as a collaborator of the Viviendas Alternativas team, was the host of a series of exhibitions in 2019. Each Mini-Workshop aimed at disseminating useful information for the construction of alternative housing and related spaces.

In 2020, we are pleased to present the full series, “Bamboo Domes”, by Lucas Zapico, CEO of Mexidomos. The company is one of the pioneering organizations in Mexico dedicated to the construction of Bamboo Domes.

Bamboo Domes – part 1 (Characteristics and preparation)(Spanish)

Lucas Zapico describes the characteristics of Bamboo and its preparation for use in the construction of geodesic dome-type structures.

Bamboo Domes – part 2 (Geometry and Calculation)(Spanish)

The second video delves into the geometry of the geodesic dome, its origins, and peculiarities. And answer the question of why people, who prefer to build and enjoy their space slowly, today are choosing this structure. Not only as their home but also as a space for human development.

Bamboo Domes – part 3 (Connectors and Installation)(Spanish)

This third part brings us to the union between raw material and shape. He gives us practical advice on how to make the connectors that will join the Bamboo and shape the new dome-home-nest. Moreover, key data when choosing an alternative home like this and final conclusions. Enjoy it!
About the author: Hodor Hints
Tips and hints for my friends.


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