mother helping her daughter use a laptop

Aunt Monikin’s kindergarten

Human beings for the new world we all need

Aunt Monikin’s kindergarten project education support children of Guayaquil, Ecuador

Aunt Moniquin’s Kindergarten is a community eco-school project. It seeks to link children with the new pedagogies in a natural, eco-friendly, and eco-sustainable environment.

We invite you to learn and enjoy the particular point of view in the education of this adorable teacher.

The idea vs design inspired by the happiness hormones

Contact and more information
Aunt Monica:

Give it a little love

Our motivation is children

Project location
Guayaquil, Guayas, Ecuador, areas with a high load of nature in its natural state. In the surroundings of Chongón.

About the author: Paola Landaeta Verified icon 1
Innovation, managing, coordinating, and educating are my passions. I am available to support innovative and sustainable projects.


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