Would you live in a 3d printed house? – 3

Following the series: Would you live in a 3d printed house? our 2nd expositor is:

Crane Wasp

2. Crane Wasp is a modular 3D printer that can create houses in a variety of formats and sizes. The Gaia house has 30 mts2 or 230f2, it is made with natural materials, extracted from the surroundings of the house’s land, also from waste coming from the agriculture industry, such as chopped straw or rice husk.

The mixture is put in layers using the 3D printer suspended by a crane. The printed wall forms inside triangular cavities that are later filled with rice husk to isolate the house. The design was thought out to use natural ventilation, also with hard-to-replicate thermoacoustic systems by the traditional construction. The house has a high energic performance and does not need heating or air conditioning, keeping a similar temperature during winter or summer. It took 10 days to create the exterior cover with a thickness of 40cm or 15 inches, this with a total cost of 1000 dollars. Besides it is easy to assemble and disassemble. It is possible to build a modular form in it, just like a honeycomb, to print bigger structures.

This project is a huge achievement in the bioconstruction field.


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About the author: Paola Landaeta Verified icon 1
Innovation, managing, coordinating, and educating are my passions. I am available to support innovative and sustainable projects.


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