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How to choose the name of your business?

You have an idea but you still need to create the whole world to launch your product.

I have been researching a little in this topic and found a César Dabián, a YouTuber that gives a very simple but assertive trick to choose the name of your business and further than that, to create the identity of your company.

I wanted to explain it shortly, with my own exercise in a similar example from the video below:

  1. Imagine your brand as a person.
  • Define a gender: Woman
  • Define age: 25-30
  • Physical aspect: Tall, thin, elegant
  • Voice tone and language: British, educated
  • Economic status: High class

2. What kind of diary activities would do this person?

Yoga, business, books, fine art, wine, travel

3. Go to your navigator and look for that kind of person in videos, books, movies, till you find someone like your brand person

I found for example Katie Holmes (liked her hairstyle) and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge when I looked for “roles for elegant women”

4. If you like the name of that person you can choose it, modify it or find someone else. I kept the first one but only Katie.

5. Then you can also look for typography related to the brand personality that you have created

I’ve found this website that contains free fonts for commercial use. and this is the result:

6. Write it. In the case of México, you can look for the availability of your new brand in Marcanet and check more details here.

And also for the domain of your website, you can visit for instance:

In Chile, you can visit Yourcompanyinoneday

and also for a domain, they are the official website for .cl domains:

Do you know which are the best websites that offer this kind of service in your country?.

7. Final advice: Use the first and final letter of your name word to create a logo and voilá!

Katie Designs

Here is the original video:

Language: Spanish

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About the author: Paola Landaeta Verified icon 1
Innovation, managing, coordinating, and educating are my passions. I am available to support innovative and sustainable projects.


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