What is the importance of a Zome

Many times I feel that square houses are opposed to everything. The wind, the sun, the rain, the snow, even the home coexistence, but the Zome does not: the Zome is inscribed in nature. For example, the wind and snow are not a burden to it that just coexists with everything harmoniously.
The first (Die Taut Kuppel) was a greenhouse with a waterfall inside. Its spectacularity was designed to attract builders to glass. The brick industry made fun of it, they said it looked like asparagus coming out of the ground…It is true, asparagus grow that way, pineapples, flowers, and everything that has the Phi proportion. They were later revived by Rob Bell in the Burning Man.
The Zome has the same value and relationships as much of nature. It is an elegant mixture of spring leaf and dewdrop. When in a forest it is camouflaged between the tops of the trees. When in the city contrasts and surpasses all the architecture around it.
There is still much to understand about how our nature is built, the Zome is an advance in that. It shows us that behind the forms there is something else that we have not yet explored …
Spiraling infinity, elegance, strength, delicacy, and easy to build. It is certainly a challenge for the beginner, but nothing that cannot be overcome with enthusiasm …
I invite you to build yours, you know if it is not for you that it is for someone else. The important thing is that you start the road … I leave you photos and free-use software to easily calculate them (DimsZome).
If you have questions about how to calculate or build it, we will be happy to answer. Fill the world with this form, bio-construction is much more than its materials …
A hug, and remember, when you think that you can’t, just keep going. We are waiting for you, Andrés.

Works of:
Bruno Taut
Rob Bell
Jean Soum (Les amis des Zomes)
The Oikía group

About the author: Andres Torres
Experiencia y ganas de crecer, estamos en la flor de la vida!


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