#Latinamerica. November 2020. 2nd free online Congress of healthy and efficient houses.

The second version of the Healthy Houses Congress will take place in november being fully online and free for the attendants. 

  • From monday 2nd to friday 6th of november 2020.
  • More than 33 architects, bioconstructors and researchers will gather and talk about alternative housing related themes, such as: the use of natural materials, energy efficience, construction technics, techonologies and examples of healthy and efficient houses built in a collaborative way.
  • It is directed to self-promoters and self-constructers  that are thinking about building and efficient house with natural materials along with professionals and technicians that are willing to gain/update their knowledge. 
  • The goal is to give support, orientation and formation to all those persons that are carrying forward the dream of builidng their house with natural materials and for it to be energy efficient.  
  • It is important to know that the REGISTER TO THE CONGRESS IS FREE. Nevertheless, in this free modality you only get access a 24 hours access to the talks from the Congress on the day they have been scheduled. It is a very limited time having in mind that there are more than 33 lectures planned (from 6 to 8 per day)

    That is why they offer a paid version to be able to have an unlimited access to the lectures. If you acquire them, you will be also helping our Viviendas Alternativas project.

  • To get more information you can access here: Congreso Casas Saludables

See you soon!

About the author: Hodor Hints
Tips and hints for my friends.


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