Would you live in a 3d printed house? – 1

The Youtube channel, Cool Gadgets & Stuff, published a compilation of 6 projects of 3D printed houses in 2020.

Given the importance of this topic to our community, we have extracted the most important information for you:

What is it about?

A 3D printer is a construction machine that can “print” a living place through the extrusion of material like concrete or mud, layer by layer.

The #construction with 3D prints is demonstrating to save time, to be able to use less material and also requires fewer handwork expenses.

Nowadays, many companies in the world are building big printers that seem to be the near future’s solution for a more efficient way of building houses:


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Would you live in a 3d printed house?
About the author: Paola Landaeta Verified icon 1
Innovation, managing, coordinating, and educating are my passions. I am available to support innovative and sustainable projects.


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