
10 euros or equivalent member discount

If you are not already a member, please subscribe here and we will communicate with you to activate your member discount in your DomoToy Model V2r2 purchase. We are glad for your interest in our DomoToy. More details

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Learn how to build a dome faster
World’s most advanced learning method

Learning to build a dome is no longer a matter for professionals. This is a learning scale model for the construction of a dome. It is specially designed to understand the measurements of a real wooden model, with swirl cuts. There is no other model like it on the market, to learn construction.

A social project
Play with your family or friends
1st-generation “family learning by playing” toys

It is more entertaining, you can build it with your children and or friends and together learn about this alternative way of building.

Order now
Get your 10 euros discount special price

It is easy to get since the learning model is joined with magnetic pieces and PLA which is renewable and most importantly biodegradable.
It is less risky than traditional media when learning to build and cheaper!.
Subscribe now as a member of your Viviendas alternativas community and get 10 euros discount in your next purchase of your DomoToy. Don’t miss out the movement!

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About the author: Andres Torres
Experiencia y ganas de crecer, estamos en la flor de la vida!


Expand your network to bio-build and meet new people!


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